Wednesday, January 3, 2018

[Game Review] Weather

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The weather, the most important thing in human's life.

Do you know how wind and rain are generated? Everything starts from the sun. In this game, you can control only the sun. The sun provides almost all the energy to happen something.
When the sun rises highly, everything in the earth got energy and the temperature rises. But if even they got same energy, the increases of temperature are different because specific heats of them are different. Specific heat decides when those get energy, how much the temperature increases. In this game, a land is on the side of left, a sea is on the side of right. Water has the high specific heat, so the sun increases the temperature of the land more rapidly than that of the sea. Therefore air on the land rises. As you know, hot air is lighter than cold one’s. But when they reached the high altitude, the temperature decreases because air can barely absorb energy from the visible lay or other high frequency lays. Those cool down and spread and descend to on the sea side, relatively the low temperature area. This air stream makes winds from sea to land. And air has water vapor. When water vapor rises and cools down it is condensed and change to tiny water drops. This are clouds. And if they are heavy then it will fall, this is rain.

After the sun sets, the situation is reversed. The temperature on the land falls faster than the sea. The air on the land descends. Winds blow from the land to the sea.

In the game, the air rises at the mountain. If there are no specific geographical features as like the mountains, it is hard to spot out where air rises. So the weather forecast uses to be wrong sometimes, even though we use supercomputer to expect it exactly.

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