Wednesday, February 14, 2018

[Bible-Game Review] The First Priest -Types of Bible #3

Game Link:

The game, The First Priest, was made based on the story, Gain and Abel. 

Adam and Eve sinned and were exiled from Eden. When Adam met Eve at the first time, he just called her a woman (Genesis 2:23). She did not have a name. But after sinning, Adam gave her the name, Eve (Genesis 3:20). Maybe Eve did not need a name before the sin, they were a truly one body.
Eve mean ‘life’, it is interpreted showing Adam’s faith about the offspring of the woman.

After exiled from Eden, Adam and Eve had babies, Gain and Abel. Gain was a farmer, Abel was a shepherd. In the game, Gain blamed Abel why he tamed useless sheep. God allowed them to eat animals after the Noah’s flood (Genesis 9:3). We cannot know when people started to eat the meat but at least, godly people would not eat meat before the flood. And it is hard to imagine they had slain sheep every time they needed clothes. So sheep were all most useless animals.

The contention of Gain sounds like rational. Then where did Abel get his opinion? Maybe he learned it from his father, Adam. Then where did Adam get the idea? He would get it from God.

After sinning, Adam and Eve made the clothes of leaves of a fig tree (Genesis 3:7). But those withered quickly. So God gave them clothes made of skin of the animal (Genesis 3:21). We do not know which an animal was but I think it was a sheep, based from Abel’s offering. Abel would get the idea from his father, Adam got it from God.
God slew the sheep and forgave their sins. Yes, God himself was the first priest to give the offering to forgive sins of Adam and Eve, and he is also the last priest to give himself as the offering to forgive our sins. Jesus is the last priest and offering.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. - Revelation 22:13

Game Link:

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